Thursday, July 23, 2009

#3: Eat new foods that make you uncomfortable

The positive side of waking up and realizing the dissatisfying state of your life is realizing it when you’re waking up. This is because you have the whole day to change the dissatisfying state of your life into a…less dissatisfying state!...

And in this spirit, there now exists a "bucket list" filled with sweet, sweet nothings slash awesomes.

Some are small actions, some are outrageous, others are probably offensive, and most are secret and outside my comfort zone, but I hope all items on my “bucket list” let me sleep bearing a better attitude than the one with which I awaken.

And I whole heartedly recommend making similar “stuff-to-do-in-life” lists or “stuff-that-scares-me-but-I-will-do-them-today” lists especially if you have loyal and unfortunate and intrepid Jonathan-like friends who will accompany you to the end (…of the list. Not like…to death or…to prison?).

Life is so good baby and sometimes you gotta do the absurd to make sure you feel nothing, but gratitude at the end of the day ;]

Monday, January 19, 2009


The only reason I started this blog was so I could remember what I did and learned in the Philippines. But I realize uhm I didn't really record anything about my actual trip while I was there..haha...oops.
So I guess I'll just note the biggest lessons from God=)

1. Less is more. Sometimes I think it's so easy for people in the States especially to look at people in other countries and to think, 'hey those people are suffering because they don't have nice cars, nice houses, nice clothes, internet, TVs'. But I think suffering's a really relative thing and I also think that maybe WE'RE the ones suffering in our materialism.

2. I'm happier when I don't focus on myself. hm I know that sounds weird. haha. But really! When I was in the PI, I didn't have school worries or future worries, and that really let me focus on my family and my friends. The key to happiness for me is to not look inwards but outwards. Then I realize there's too much for me to be thankful for that there's really no sense, no right for me to NOT be happy.

I'm sure there's more but I forget..haha..