Right when I stepped off the plane, I felt the air get 20 times thicker because of the humidity and then I smelled that distinct "Philippines Smell" from a combination of God-knows-what and then I was like YES I'M HERE. SWEET. And I mean that sincerely! Everytime I smell this pungent, thick, dusty smell (pleasant I know), I instantly feel comforted and think of how content I am and stay every time I'm here.
Also, I suggest that anyone flying to Asia take Korean Airlines and nothing else. Because the food is awesome. I had bibimbap for dinner. And I think this is why my 14 hour flight from NY to Seoul felt so short; I would eat so well that I'd be full and comfortable while I watched movies and read, and then BAM! The next delicious amazing glorious hot Korean meal would be served! sigh. People tell me I think with my heart and then my head, but in actuality, I think with my stomach, my heart, then my head. which..yeah..is bad.
Notes: Not okay with couple outfits/intentionally matching significant other